Giant Papyrus
Cyperus Papyrus

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Photo by Charles Macke

This large tropical bog plant with unique foliage makes an exotic accent. Native to the Mediterranean region, this is the same plant used in Egyptian paper-making and is the bulrush that sheltered the infant Moses in the biblical story. 

Water Depth: to 6"
Light: Full Sun.
to 8 foot.
Booms: In summer.

Hardy: Zone 10 to 11 

Dwarf Papyrus
Cyperus haspan
(C. Profiler)

A dwarf form of the Giant Papyrus, (Cyperus papyrus) this graceful tropical bog plant has strong triangular stems about 30 inches long topped by uniquely tufted umbrella-like green pom poms about 2 inches in diameter. It makes a wonderful accent plant. The more stem that sticks out of the water, the better this plant looks. It grows actively throughout the year. It is a real eye catcher! Plant in full sun to partial shade with the top of the soil 6 inches below the surface. It Blooms in summer. Propagate by division.
Hardy to Zone 9.

Photo by Charles Macke

Water Depth: to 6"
Full sun to partial shade.
Grows to 30 inches.
In summer.