Golden Moneywort /
Golden Creeping Jenny

Lysimachia nummularia "Aurea"

(li-si-MAK-ee-a num-ew-LAH-ree-a AUR-ee-a)

Height: 1-2in. Width: 3-4ft.
Light: Full sun  to shade.
Soil: Any good garden soil.
Moisture: Medium to moist 
Propagation: By seed, division or by 
stem cuttings in water. 
Spacing: 6-12 inches apart
Hardy From zone 5 to 8.  -34° C (-30° F).

This bold 1-2" ground cover provides a splash of bright yellow foliage if planted in full sun. Planting in shade turns the foliage to an interesting lime-green color. Golden Creeping Jenny highlights other yellow variegated shrubs and looks
great planted plants with bluish foliage. The contrast of blue complements
yellow and makes a stunning composition. Can take foot traffic and tough cultural conditions, even soggy soil and standing water. Not native.

Lysimachia nummularia "Aurea" is a beautiful variety of Lysimachia nummularia, and it is most decorative when planted in small groups.