Umbrella Flat Sedge
Umbrella Palm

Cyperus alternifolius

Hardy to Zone 8.

Umbrella Flat Sedge, also called Umbrella Palm is a non-native sedge that is sometimes grown as an ornamental, and has become naturalized in wet places in the south. Its solid triangular stems form clumps and grow to 4 1/2 ft. tall and 3/4 in. wide near base. It has whorls of spiked foliage on top and stalks on the inside of the clump stand upright while those on the outside bow downward, eventually touching the water. Because of its size it is not suitable for small water gardens, and should be planted in a 5 gallon or larger container, with the top two to 3 to 6 inches below the surface of the water. The plant can be over wintered indoors, and should be kept wet.

Dwarf Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alternifolius 'Gracilis'

This is a dwarf variety of the umbrella palm. It has medium green, smaller than a pencil triangular stalks, about 14 inches tall with whorls of spiked foliage on top. It has a lively distinctive shape that bows gracefully to the water. Plant in a container or shallow water at the ponds edge. Some of the fronds will stand up, some will bow, giving a bouquet like look. These plants are related to the Giant and Dwarf  Papyrus and should be treated in the the same manner. 

Click on picture for larger photo. (58.3KB)
Photo by Charles Macke

Hardy to Zone 8.