Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis

Height: 3 ft (1 m).
12 in (30 cm).
Grow in full sun to part shade.
How to Grow:
Grow in moist soil 
but do not place the roots underwater.

By seeds
Hardy from USDA Zone: 3-10. 

Division: Magnoliophyta 
Class: Magnoliopsida 
SubClass: Asteridae 
Order: Campanulales 
Family: Lobeliaceae 

The Cardinal Flower is a member of the Bluebell Family, and was named after the Flemish botanist, Matthias de L'Obel (1538-1616). 

This clump forming perennial is from eastern North America is useful for growing in wet places and beside streams and ponds. 

From late summer to mid fall (mid autumn) it produces spikes of brilliant, scarlet-red flowers on branching stems above green or deep bronze-purple foliage. Few native plants have flowers of such intense color as this common herbaceous perennial. 

The blossoms are delicate, gradually opening from bottom to top on two to four foot spikes.  Beneath the flower spikes are numerous dark green leaves, tapered at both ends. 

A moderately tall plant, stout and erect, it is the favorite of our ruby throated hummingbird, who obliges as a pollinator. The many seeds come in two celled pods which open at the top. 

Cardinal flowers can be grown in full sun or very light shade but probably grow best in filtered light. Mulch to keep the roots moist. Seeds planted in the summer form rosettes of foliage which stay green through the mild winter of the South. Be careful to keep leaves and debris from smothering these rosettes. 

 Beautiful but deadly, this plant has been used as a medicine but is also very poisonous. It contains fourteen alkaloids similar to those in nicotine. Extracts of the leaves and fruit produce vomiting, sweating, pain and finally death. 

Great Blue Lobelia
Lobelia syphilitica

Great Blue Lobelia has bright blue flowers in the summer. This plant does well at ponds edge, not so good in the water.

Height : 10-30in,
Width: 12in.
Water Depth: Prefers moist soil
Light: full sun to part shade.

Hardy in zones 5-10.