Purple Pickerelweed
Pontederia cordata

Height: 18 - 24 in.
Width: Can cover large areas.
Light: Sun to part shade.
Soil: Any good garden soil.
Blooms: Spring to summer. 
Propagation: Divide clumps in spring while discarding the rotting portions.

Pickerelweed is a very common emersed plant. It is a prolific grower and can cover large areas. 

Pickerelweed typically grows to about two to three feet tall. Its leaves are shiny and deep green, and large, up to five inches wide, and are usually twice as long. Leaf shapes are variable, but are usually lance-shaped. The easiest way to recognize Pickerelweed is by its spike of violet-blue flowers. Sometimes the flowers are white.

 The plant adapts well to shallow water to depths of up to 18 in. Do not let crown freeze.

 Hardy zones 4-11.

White Pickerelweed
Pontederia cordata 'alba'
Picture from: The Aquatic Plant Depot

White Pickerelweed has shiny, heart-shaped foliage, large flowering spikes and a long blooming season. The plant is a little larger than normal pickerel rush but is reported to be a southern species with a reduced cold tolerance. It may not be hardy to zone 4.
Light: Sun to part shade.
Height: 24-36"
Soil: Any good garden soil.
Blooms: August - September
Water Depth: 4" - 10"

Propagation: Divide clumps in spring while discarding the rotting portions.

 Hardy zones 4(?) -11.

Bi-color Pickerelweed
Pontederia cordata '?'

I do not have much information on this plant, the only place I have seen it advertized for sale or discussed is at William Tricker Inc. The picture to the left and the description below are from their website at William Tricker.

From the British Guiana and related to the North American species but far more outstanding.    The heart shaped foliage is dark , waxy green and is taller than the native variety.    The flowers resemble our native Pickerel Rush except that there are two shades of color in the petals-light and dark violet blue.    Several florets open as the previous ones close, thus giving a long flowering time to the spikes.    Note: This plant requires much nourishment and must be planted in plenty of rich soil or fertilized often during the season.